Located in Wuhan City, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (ZUEL) is an institute of higher education directly administrated by the Ministry of Education of China with economics, law, and management as its core disciplines. ZUEL is also one of the universities sponsored by “211 project” and “985 Project Innovation Platform”, and has been selected into the list of universities and colleges which will participate in the country’s construction plan of world-class universities and world-class disciplines (‘Double World-Class’). 中南财经政法大学位于武汉市,是中国教育部直属高校,以经济学、法学、管理学为核心学科。 学校也是国家“211工程”和“985工程创新平台”建设高校之一,入选国家世界一流大学和世界一流学科建设计划高校名单。http://ies.zuel.edu.cn/main.htm

Admission Information for 2025/2026 Session

Programs: Undergraduate(S1), Masters(S2) and Ph.D(S3)

Teaching language: Mandarin/ English

Scholarship: Depending on programs

Tuition fees(if self-funding):

中文/英文授课专业Jurusan Pengantar dalam Mandarin/Inggris

All programs will be taught in English or Mandarin. For Mandarin-taught programs HSK4/HSK5 is required, if no Mandarin basis, we provide one-year free Mandarin intensive course as foundation to help you get ready. For English-taught programs, IELTS 5.5 or TOEFL 80 is preferred.


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